When your rheumatologist finds a good medication regimen for you, the activity of your RA may decrease to the point that you have a dramatic improvement in your symptoms. In some cases, RA may go into remission, which means that the disease process goes completely inactive. In remission, joint damage no longer occurs. Once you are feeling better, you may be wondering if you can stop your medications.
When RA is in remission or in a state of low activity, you prevent long-term joint damage. If you stop your medications, it is likely that your symptoms will return, and joint damage will occur. Remember that when successful, your medications are suppressing the RA, but there is no cure. Once you stop the medication, the RA can pick up where it left off before you started treatment.
It is important to follow up with your rheumatologist even when you are feeling better. Your doctor can make adjustments to keep you on as little medications as possible, but you definitely want to ensure that you keep your symptoms from returning. Do not stop your medications on your own. Your specialist will consider your symptoms, history, symptoms, and lab results to decide what to do.
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