Medications, activity modifications, physical therapy, and healthy lifestyle will be your best tools to fight the physical challenges of arthritis.  Meanwhile, dealing with arthritis requires a strong mental outlook to combat common negative thoughts and feelings.  Here are ways to use your mind power to strengthen your fight against arthritis.

  1. Focus on the positives: Be thankful for what you are able to do, rather than being sad about what you cannot do with your arthritis. 
  2. Stay empowered: Realize that there are many factors you can control to manage your arthritis.  Regardless of what your doctor recommends, you have the power to make the final decision.  Meanwhile, you can reduce your health risks while making improvements towards wellness.
  3. Don’t neglect your sleep: Restful nights of sleep are especially important when dealing with chronic medical conditions like arthritis.  Prioritize sleep consistently, not just on weekends.  You will feel invigorated and energized, giving you a mental edge as you seek to conquer the day. 
  4. Be flexible: Arthritis can have ups and downs that may throw off your schedule.  Be willing to postpone an activity or errand if your joints are not feeling up to it.  This will prevent negative feelings of anger towards having arthritis. 
  5. Celebrate the victories: Make simple goals through the week and take time to enjoy the satisfaction of hitting each milestone.  Collect wins and forget about the losses!

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